
Awkwardness arising from curiosity.

I saw three people outside just now on my way from one building to another and heard one of them crying. Two other people were attending to the crying one, which was a baby, and I approached them and asked them a question. "An adult that cries is doing it out of sadness, but a baby cries for lots of other reasons. I'm guessing that babies cry because they are in need or want of something rather than that they are sad, so what I'm interested in is at what age do you think a person starts to cry because he or she is sad?" At this point they attempted to answer, and it became clear that english was not their first language. We were all plenty confused by each other, and made our respective nods and pleasantries, and left the scene.

Indiana Jones game

Here are some absurd pictures of many naked women.

all about the number 666

Movie scripts


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