Last night at work I was too dang busy to update. Dry your tears. Tonight is slower. The joint commision was here today and everybody was on their best behavior, which resembled a coke party minus the nosebleeds. JACO, as they're called, raised hell a few years ago when it was shown that our safety procedures were, let's just say, below par. On a related note, a kid got killed here when they did an MRI on him but forgot to take the oxygen tanks out of the room. When they switched on the mega-magnet the incredibly heavy cylinders made a beeline for their mama, through the air and the space which that kid's head was occupying. Oxygen tanks one, kid zero. It's things like this that the joint commision ostensibly exists to guard against, but no mountain of paperwork can replace just some guy or girl with a little common sense. Lawsuits being the new reality for all of us in this day in age, we'll all have to sign a lot of papers we don't have time to read because we're too busy doing what we do, which is helping each other live.
What is patriotism? Please email me with the answer at grackle1010 at
gee, I wonder who did this?
y do we age? I'll tell you why. Because god wants us to, that's why. That's also the reason my kids should shut up. Because I said so, that's why. There's two rules in my and in god's house. Rule #1, the man is always right. Rule 2, if in doubt, see rule 1. And that's the way it is, by golly.
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