
Puppets used to be cute, I thought, if a little odd, but this is just creepy.

It's spanish, but you'll understand what this page is getting at.

This sounds awesome: a 10-megabits-per-second indoor network that uses human bodies as portable ethernet cables.

Al Franken's book "Lies and the lying liars who tell them" is funny, sensitive, and impressive. Here's a review.

Be careful what computers you use for banking.

The official tear your hair out site of the day. I recommend you listen to the bubbles in the wine song for the full effect of heinousness. So so so bad.

Useless gif.

Not sure if I'm repeating myself, but it's worth it if I am.Billy bass flash movie. Not safe for work audio.

This video won't work here, but I'm hoping it's what it says it is: north korean anti-american propaganda.


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