
Thunderbolt of Truth. Now making an appearance on my father's coffee table. Seriously.
Google thunderbolt of truth and the second site to come up is panzerfaust, a militant pro-white (which means anti-everything-but-white, and what's "white" anyway?) website with internet radio shows entitled, to name two: "Can't teach them niggers nuthin", "Niggers can't vote", and providing and linking to drooling essays and pamphlets on the intellectual order of timecube.
Panzerfaust highly approves of Thunderbolt of Truth.
Not one to judge Thunderbolt by Panzerfaust, here is Thunderbolt's pitch:
"Thunderbolt's goal is to bring readers news and information needed to ignite action. Each monthly issue will document the behavior of nonwhites--Blacks, Mexicans, Jews, Asians and American Indians. For too long, our voice has been too quiet and too meek. If you agree please subscribe today."
I won't subscribe tooday, because I don't agree with this rhetorical misrepresentation of artificially contentious issues involved with modern race relations. Notwithstanding my godlike power to make or break a magazine, no magazine espousing the ridiculous oversimplification of race into white and other will be taken seriously as anything remotely connected to reality. This radical idiotic shit is guilty of the same disregard for humanity it blames on everyone but itself.
Of course my father may have this on his table because he hasn't read it yet, or because he lost a bet, or as a joke.


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