Joe Cartoon : The Saddam Capture Video It looks like the guy who brought us the once-famous microwave-the-gerbil stunt is a drooling pusbag who is altogether incapable of contact with today's complex political realities. I actually hope "our" troops see this, and that a good percentage of them are good and insulted that Joe Cartoon thinks they're dumb enough to slap their knees at this tedious folderol. Joe Cartoon is clearly a fawning parasite, a witless, whooping tailgater, who thinks he can ride the tattered coattails of the troops' love for america to notoriety.
Guess what, Joe?
War isn't like your stupid cartoon.
For an example of what war is, try watching this video of a guy getting his head cut off with a knife. Did you notice anything? The guys doing the killing didn't care, and the guy dying is dead, and that's all there is to it. That's all there ever is.
War should be avoided.
I wish Joe Cartoon would just fuck off. Every neo-con that's been brainwashed into thinking that pro-war rhetoric is anything but a lie of the most revolting kind makes me wish there was a hell for them to go to. Senseless people don't come here to read my page, but if there's a war hawk around you right now, show them this, and as their face twists into a mask of disgust, punch them in the mouth and tell them it's from me.
More of the glory of war can be seen here. And in case the video didn't work when (and if) you clicked it, it's on this page, as well.
Oh, and thanks, Joe Cartoon! Do you think the feces humor was prominent enough? I thought I was gonna have to watch an Eddie Murphy movie to get my doo-doo joke today! Excrement always makes me roll in the floor! And then I shit myself! And then I laugh even more because there's shit all over me!! Is your imagination broken? That cartoon sucks! Is this a joke?!? Fuck you!
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