
So yeah. I went to a meeting today. It lasted all day long. The organizational learning department, in an effort to legitimize its existence, had paperwork piled in mountains for us to pretend to read, and our host asked a general question, which was meant to be a pertinent preface for his subsequent presentation of the core values of the company. I knew we were off to a great start when a black lady stunned the room by responding with this gem: "What about diversity? Diversity is very important to me." I hasten to point out that I need a new punctuation mark for the end of some sentences, one that falls in pronunciation between a period and an exclamation point, which actually has the effect, when spoken by a certain subspecies of black woman, of an interrogative, as in, "Cause I ain't hear nobody talking about that, bunch of white-ass muthafuckas try and tell me bout some shit? Hell naw!", because that is the appropriate punctuation for the end of her statement.
Attach rant here. It wouldn't be anything you havent't read or thought yourself, and I mean, I really don't have time. It will have to suffice to say that my company is populated by persons of extraordinary backgrounds, education levels, and ethnicities, and this woman was in all these ways more or less an exact failure to be interesting. There are code words in this world, and diversity is one.
Predictably, the room, for the first of what would be many times, fell silent.


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