
Corn sweetener linked to obesity, there's a train which runs behind my girlfriend's house, and last week I was on the phone with my brother asking him about arbitrage when one was rolling by. It was all big cars of corn oil and corn sweetener, made by cargill. A whole train of obesity, proecessed and ready to be processed some more, so it can be driven around and dropped off at Wal-Mart, which people will drive to, so they can eat and drink it and eat it and get fatter and fatter and fatter. Then they can come to my hospital and get their stomachs augmented and banded and shrunken because their obesity is out of control. My friend said as the ncome curve goes up, obesity goes down. Smart people don't feed their children mickey d's and wonder why they're fatties. Fast food restaurants are in poor neighborhoods. Convenience stores have lottery tickets, slim jims, corn fat and sugar snacks and treats and drinks and hot dogs and doughnuts, and you don't see rich people there, stocking up. You see the poor.


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