Every once in a while, I hear a really loud bang outside, and I never find out what it was later. Once it was thunder and a couple of friends and I all called each other to see if it had really happened. It didn't sound like thunder, though. It was just one loud explosion all by itself, and it set off every alarm in this part of town. Later came other different thunder so we figured it was a weather anomaly. That was the loudest of them all, but there were others. Once it sounded like a machine gun, but one that shot cannon balls. I was on the street corner waiting to cross when that one happened. Everyone around looked at each other to see if they had heard it too, which of course they had. How something could be that loud and not right in front of us was the strangest part of that one. I still have no idea what it could have been or where it could possibly have come from. It was like they were blowing up a building right across the street. More common are what are probably gunshots, and I've heard three times a noise like a bomb which could have been a bomb, somewhere, I guess. I'd like it if I found out someday there was a secret lab around here where some genius science guy was making a new kind of superweapon. I'd like it even more if they found out it was me and I didn't know, like fight club, and then the world bowed down before my mighty power and made me their king.
The loud noises outside remind me the things we really want to know are the hardest to find out.
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