
I've been emailing lately.

I sent my hospital a letter requesting that I be considered for a seat on the ethics committee, mainly because I want to sit in the kinds of meeting rooms that ethics committees meet in, and talk about the kinds of life and death things they talk about. Why not?

I sent Bellsouth a letter requesting information on the pay phone I paid for in December and still isn't here. In fifteen minutes the woman emailed me back to tell me it'll be here in a week.

In response to a letter my police precinct sent me about cars being broken into, I sent them a letter back asking if I could booby-trap my car to just blow the hell out of whoever broke into it. I mean, it is MY car and everything, and I'm not too crazy about driving it, so if I can rid the world of one criminal with a mind-paralyzing explosion in the middle of the night, who's the worse off?

I emailed Tina Fey's unofficial webmistress to tell her about a good character for weekend update. Old man, or as the lovely Joyce suggested, dirty old man. The thing writes itself.


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