Yesterday and today I've posted the "today in history" sheet in the pharmacy where I work. Today, daringly, I included the "colored waiting room that way" sign too. When I went to put it up, someboday had left a nasty scribble on yesterday's. It said "are you using company time to do this?" and some other stuff about how I was lazy. It was signed "a stranger". Well the mixture of attitude and intellect it took to write that note could only be a few people (because of the attitude, mind you), and when I was hanging the second one it became clear that my hunch was correct. It was Beth. Beth starts in on how long it must have taken to do that (it was in reality less than a minute) and how she doesn't think it's right. Beth is the biggest slacker of all time, and she has resisted my blatant proclomations that this is so with an apathy usually reserved for the mentally handicapped, so this time I took it in a different direction.
I said something very close to the following.
"Thanks to you, Beth, I've seen the light. Even though it took less than a minute to do that, I'll do things around here even faster than before. In fact, when I'm sitting in the bathroom later I'll be think ing of you as I squeeze extra hard, so I don't steal company time."
Did she get it? Of course not. But the other girl who was standing there did. So ha ha. And fuck your standards for water cooler talk too, Beth.
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