CNN.com - 9/11 staff: No al Qaeda cooperation with Iraq - Jun 16, 2004
yesterday: Bush stands by Saddam, al qaeda link
yesterday: Bush: Afghanistan is a victory over terrorism
So there you have it folks, Fried potatoes, which are not healthy or vegetables, are suddenly good enough per the government to be called a fresh vegetable, and "Afghanistan" is a victory over terrorism. If it can't make sense at least the fantasy world is nicer! Alas, if the government declares that the municipal water that comes out of my kitchen sink is grape soda it doesn't make it taste good. Even though they possess the ability to pull off this miraculous definition-swap, I'd prefer if the truth was a priority. The liars have had enough chances and blown them.
Did I mention my ass hurts from being fucked over by these guys? I don't even know anybody who's died for Halliburton's no-bid contracts. Yet.
In other news, Cheney is still a liar and Bush is still insane and they're both still running the country anyway.
There's some egg on the faces of the lying republican noise machine. My prediction: nothing will change. With the combination of noise and fingers in ears, the truth doesn't matter.
Bush had faith we'd find weapns of mass destruction.
Cheney had faith we'd find the connection between Iraq and Al-Queda.
We went to war.
Hocus Pocus and reality are different.
What's the party line going to be on this one?
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