
On Friday Joyce and I went to the Saints game and tried out her new camera. 4 megapixels is a lot. I've reduced the size of these pictures, but the color and everything was excellent.

We didn't stay till the end, but we stayed long enough to verify the best mullet was on this man.

It's not a digital manipulation, this guy was inside a ball knocking down giant yogurt smoothies while a bunch of people dressed from the renaissance period cheered him on. Saints games are a little different.

Anyone wanting a great self-portrait of Joyce can ask me for it via gmail, and I'll consider it. She doesn't want everybody knowing what she looks like because then she would be mobbed for information about me everywhere she goes. Celebrity is a bitch like that.

Saturday we went to her family's house, where this shirt was on display. The person wearing it reminds one of the joke, what do you call a nine hundred pound gorilla, to which the answer is, of course, whatever he wants to be called.

When we went to feed Molly, Emily's cat, we saw an H2, so we flipped it off.
We got that idea from this great website.


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