
The Salt Lake Tribune -- Hatch backs nominee who backs St. Paul

"Reading from the Bible on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday, Sen. Orrin Hatch endorsed a federal judicial nominee who wrote that wives should have a subordinate role in marriage, with the Utah Republican emphasizing "millions and millions of people will agree with" that view."

"Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Penn., lashed out at Durbin's criticism during floor debate.
"We hear so much from the other side about tolerance," said Santorum. "Where is the tolerance for people who want to believe what has been taught for 2,000 years?""

That statement by Rick Santorum is just stupid, and only stupid people could possibly see things his way. That's like saying that immunizing people violates the hippocratic oath because of the needle causing pain. I have no tolerance for people who want to turn their views into my laws, sweating fist-shaking hell-believing-in people. We, the reasonable people, have suffered these pigs who expect us to respect their right to tell other people how to live, long enough.

And that's how I really feel.


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