
I blog too much. You know it and so do I, and we know that the other guy knows and so on. But there was one thing that had to make it here from my life today, and it was the smell in the kitchen. I never put that up here, because any fly honeys that would think about being my groupies might be put off at the mention of a mysterious odor; mysterious odors are good for very few things, running off hotties is one of them.

This smell was bad and actually had started going away. It was a bag of potatoes on a shelf that had been forgotten about long ago, we hadn't even looked there because it was hidden in plain sight and we thought a smell that big was coming from somewhere else. It was rotten, through and through. It had taken on all the attributes of shit. Bile-colored, stinky, but worse, infested with larvae. Nasty.


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