
Joyce and I went out on the Mississippi last night with some people. The weather was perfect for it, and even if it hadn't been, I was buzzed up enough not to care about ten degrees one way or another. That might be a good way to determine drunkenness -- how much temperature variation can take place without a person's caring?

As our skipper was detailing how if you don't know what you're doing, you can run aground of the rocks that are all over the place just beneath the surface, we ran aground and the motor died. It's nice to see that other people get embarrassed and it's not just me.

The people at American singles are trying to get my business, and if I wasn't already dating a redhead, this might push me to join their network of desperation:

Is there anything better than a redhead? If so, please don't tell me. Not here, not... like this.

My nigga Randy-san writes from Taipei:

After a long ordeal (the details of which I'll spare
you), I have both earned a 1 year, multiple entry
student visa (it's like a god-given hooky pass) and
discovered how best to assimilate some of the cultural
aspects I detest here: practice a subtle form of
jujitsu cum aikido cum soccer (gentle proddings and
pushings from behind like directing cows, shifting and
lifting the feet of others with your own as they walk
and thus altering their directions, fronting people
with my muscle and a smile, stepping through with hip
and knee to make myself known and squaring and
lowering the shoulder to drive the point home) which I
then elevate into a from of tertiary teaching in mind
and thereby maintain, manifest and deliver my
superiority. It's the only thing the majority of these
arrogant, lazy fucks seems to understand. And it works
without getting me pissed off or feeling guilty or
responsible for them - including the old women and
children. Furthermore, my Chinse is good enough that
now I'm using Rhetorical sentences such as: Is it
really possible you don't understand Chinese? Hell,
I've spat down butters in line at 7-11 until their
brow shows sweat and their lips tremble with hurt as I
ramble about why? why do the Chinese always butt in
line? Children all, with piss poor parents.

Well, tonight I think it's off to Elko speedway for some Nascar. It's addictive, I tell you!


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