
Getting registered for the watchmaking program at saint paul college was a snap, but the loan process is grueling.

On the way to Tennessee, the lovely J and I passed a car that was all smashed up. Another word that leaps to mind is annihilated. It was a green Saturn, the same exact car we were in at the time. A state trooper that had passed us doing about a hundred had already arrived and thrown a blue tarp over the (presumably very bloody) passenger compartment. It looked like the passengers must have had their bodies rearranged in the process of getting creamed by semis. Joyce is right. The little cars and the big cars should have different roads. That way the priapic-deficient hummer drivers could be the ones who were dwarfed by the hulking death machines. Three land barges had sustained serious damage, and their drivers were standing about swaying slightly, with that thousand yard stare that post-traumatic stress people have. They had just seen some really bad road carnage on a perfect Wisconsin day. The ex-Saturn had one of those fabulously popular red, white, and blue ribbon magnets on it. About those magnets: why didn't I think of that?

If you can, get to Figlio in uptown Minneapolis for the pumpkin ravioli. It's combination of sophistication and comfort is masterful. I just left that apostrophe in that sentence to raise hackles. I have to see so much of that awful punctuation I thought I'd do it, too, to see if it felt good to strike back. It doesn't feel good, by the way. I had the Figlio hot brown, a gravied turkey with bacon on grilled bread dish that made me groan with pleasure. Gah. Dinner was a ten. The waiter was a six. He was pretty anxious to sell, sell, sell, and didn't care if we noticed. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all just pretend that money wasn't so fucking important? I'm doing my part.

The lovely J and I were celebrating her birthday, which I neglected to post yesterday.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, J! Have a great year!

It's a pity we don't have two birthdays, or we'd get to go to Figlio to celebrate twice a year.


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