
Speaking of Buck Truck, I've been wondering for years why it is I like things that are bad so much. There are plenty of people who are far more consumed with badness's pursuit, but still, b-movies, dingy spots at theme parks, downtown Spokane, seedy bars all have an allure for me. One reason which Buck Truck gets my attention (and Wesley Willis, too) is that they skip mediocre and go straight for awful, and for that they deserve a little respect. They didn't wind up having a song at number thirty-five on the top 40 charts and then vanish, no, they did their thing no matter how it sounded and they id it with enthusiasm. In a world full of sell-outs they were the real article. Buck Truck, I salute you and your unconvenional oeuvre. Keep on trucking. I know you will.

This has been a really good week linkwise. If you haven't had a chance to point and click aimlessly for a while, take advantage.


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