
In class yesterday I made a brass cube a centimeter per side with a tolerance of a tenth of a millimeter. Using only free hand files and a crappy vise, that's pretty good. It's flat and beveled and its only flaw is not easy to see with the naked eye. I rule.

My brother sent me a really rare couple of audio tape sets. It's "the restaurant at the end of the universe" and "life, the universe, and everything" by douglas adams, all recorded by stephen moore, who originally did the voice of Marvin the robot on the BBC play. This was a great recording and I played it as I went to sleep for years, the boom box under my pillow. The first tape set is missing, "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy". It consists of two tapes, and is read by Stephen Moore. If you find one, send it to me. I will digitize it and send it back. Or buy it from you. Either way, I need that.

That's the news from here.

Oh, and I got a gift card to a liquor store from my mom. She's the best. I loves me some drinkin'! Now I can afford the rum in a glass bottle instead of the plastic.


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