
School yeserday was less painful thanks to me figuring out how to wield the file better. My whole hand is more sore but the finger hurts less. So that's good.

We're making things flat right now. I got my first assignment graded and am happy with the results. I'm not going to put that grade up here in case someone from class finds this page, though. And I'm not going to tell how there's this one guy that's just a DICK that I HATE! Just kidding, guys. You're all cool.

They put my workbench nearest the door. Our class is a bit of a curiosity for the rest of the school, so our window is constantly besmirched by the nose-prints of puzzled passersby, who invariably rattle the door or even the handle out of clumsiness.

This is going to be discombobulated but bear with me. I live in an apartment in a house. Part of my apartment shares an electrical circuit with another apartment. I occupy the third floor, which is next to the roof. If both apartments are using the toaster, we will usually blow the circuit. Same goes if I'm using the computer, the electric heater, and the girl downstairs makes toast. Both our refrigrators are on that circuit as well. I don't think this is up to fire code. Anyway, I don't like losing all my data so when I run the computer I don't run the heater and there aren't any problems.

I like to webcast overnight. Good (and bad) music comes my way and I like to toss it out there for people to pick up. But I can't run the webcast and have the heater on, so it's cold, so I don't do it. Except for when it snows. The snow, because I am on the third floor, insulates the roof to an extent that makes it unnecessary to use the heater. Hence, if I webcast in the middle of winter, you can deduce that it has just snowed. Ah, nonlinear causality!


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