
so long, asshole

The New York Times > National > Jerry Falwell Critically Ill With Pneumonia

The whitest man who ever lived, is about to kick the bucket. The man who claimed gays and abortionists were responsible for the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Falwell is most likely, to my dismay, unable to tell us whether it's the gays, or whether it's god, who is responsible for his terminal illness.

And this guy is going to be in heaven? His entire career was about getting there, so it must be. And who would want to be anywhere this guy is? Jerry Falwell made religion as ugly and as political as possible. The real religious people, the ones who try to follow the words of Jesus, should have seen this clown for the pharisee he was, but a lot of them, that I know, are too nice to tell it like it is, and in some cases, even notice it like it is. Falwell should be going to an afterlife with a microphone, some speakers, and his own arguments in a seven-foot cubed room for all eternity. I just wish a person could be made to cry for that long.


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