
On the way back from school in Saint Paul, Vasko trucking and waste disposal's truck was throwing rocks all over the highway and one the size of a golf ball nailed my windshield. So I called the company and the guy who picked up the phone said it was his brother that I should call and he gave me his number. Then JV said I should call the cops or somebody instead of the company, so I did. They gave me the number of the highway patrol, who I then called, only to get a message:
We're closed. Our office hours are eight to four thirty, monday through friday.

It's ten after four, on Wednesday. Asses.

I called the company, and told them what happened. They're going to buy me a new windshield. Not. They told me tough shit.

It's not cracked, just very chipped, but it's the principle here. You don't see me lobbing rocks the size of golf balls out of my car. Asses. The lady in response to this said there's nothing I can do about it, but goddamn it if that truck wasn't endangering people and shit. Goddamn highway patrol government employees lazy asses, can't be bothered to work all eight hours or anything. Fucking shitheads.


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