
I'll never be able to find the post she was commenting on (there are 3,252 to choose from), but I found this comment from Linda on my haloscan comment manager:
I know that this comment is towards an obscenely old post, so I'm engaging in necrophilia BIG TIME, BUT... ...No matter how many months pass from Election Day 2004, this explanation seems the best one, no matter how many other respectable editorials and op-eds in other magazines try to convince readers of otherwise. There was NO excuse. No matter how many jerks and idealists try to convince me that somehow I don't relate to huge chunks of my own country (particularly on MY side -- I live in Atlanta) because I thought that crooked, lying, two-faced benefactors of nepotism and warmongering imperialists were somehow less qualified to hold the highest offices of the land than an actual war veteran with barely any egregious crap on his record (not that war veterans are immune to wrongdoing, but Kerry, at least, wasn't some sanctimonious jerk like Bush & Co.), and that I didn't think the world as I knew it was going to end tomorrow because gay marriage and abortion were thought of by some as NON-ISSUES and that I actually wanted some guy who might bring gas prices and the deficit down rather than attempt to take away every safety net known to man...Medicare, Social Security... ...Sorry for thinking that Bush didn't deserve a second chance, but those of you who did were dupes and you know it...


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