
Last night her loveliness and I went to the bar to have a drink with Noel, one of my writer friends.

Rudolph's made me a pretty good manhattan, though it is hard to screw up with maker's mark. I like when they serve it in the shaker, even when the shaker is just a pint glass.

This was after the three of us went to liquor lyle's and decided that that place is a complete shithole. Now that the smoking ban is on, you can smell that place, and it's sour and dreadful. Combine that for the surly servuce that made Lyle's famous, and I don't think I'll be back, ever, unless Julianne Moore is there naked giving away suitcases full of money. We went in, got scowled at by most of the employees, and did a U turn. I can't figure out if that used to be a good place or I just think it might have been. Any of your thoughts on this will be appreciated.


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