
an outrage!

"the american society for the defense of tradition, family and property" reports that "six-year-old School Children Taught about Same-Sex "Families""

Can you believe the irrepairable harm this is going to do to these children!? They should be learning that gay people are dirty and bad, that the life of a gay person is one of irresponsibility, and that god hates gays and will hate them too, if they turn out gay. Children should learn that there's a place where after you die you burn forever and scream in pain if you're a dude and another dude touches your wiener. God is pretty obsessed with what people do with their wieners. That lake of fire is where a guy named "satan" pokes you with a thousand hot sticks and you cry and cry but no one can hear you and it goes on pretty much forever. There is proof of this somewhere, but no one can find that proof right now. Come back later.

Some people know more about what god likes and doesn't like than others, and those people should be in charge of what everybody learns in school. That would be much better for families and america. These kids would be better of getting all whipped up into a righteous fury over the wrongness of gays! Groups of people getting whipped up into a righteous fury over the wrongness of gays is always a good thing. If you don't believe me, just ask nazi Germany. They'll tell you the same thing.


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