
overdue health update:
My normally outstanding health has hit a bump in the metaphorical health road. I am dizzy and it is because clogged eustachian tubes have got water backed up behind my eardrum. Consequently, my semicircular canals are sluggish and this sends my brain mixed signals about motion. Because of this, my brain experiences "motion sickness", which the good doctor decided we ought to treat with meclizine 25, tid, commonly sold over the counter as a less-drowsy motion sickness drug. Let me tell you, though, less drowsy still means drowsy. Yawn.
I am treating the underlying cause with pseudoephedrine, and if it doesn't work to get the tube cleared, I will eventually have to get the stupid eardrum pierced and ear drained. Which I just know is going to hurt like a bitch.
I'm feeling fine, though. Strong enough to pull the ears off a gundar.


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