
Sometimes it takes a Brit.

George Galloway stomped Norm Coleman (whose rise to political power is your prototypical uninspiring story) thusly:

"I told the world that Iraq, contrary to your claims, did not have weapons of mass destruction. I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to al Qaeda. I told the world, contrary to your claims, that Iraq had no connection to the atrocity on 9/11, 2001," he told Coleman.

"Senator, in everything I said about Iraq, I turned out to be right and you turned out to be wrong. And 100,000 people have paid with their lives -- 1,600 of them American soldiers sent to their deaths on a pack of lies, 15,000 of them wounded, many of them disabled forever, on a pack of lies."

He added: "Senator, this is the mother of all smokescreens. You are trying to divert attention from the crimes that you supported."

In typical American "fair and balanced-ness fashion", placed prior to this in the story was this:

But the panel's Republican chairman, Sen. Norm Coleman of Minnesota, hit back, telling media after the session that Galloway's credibility was "very suspect.

Does it strike you how funny it is that that's all Norm's got? That is some weak shit. For CNN even to call that pussy move hitting back, is just pathetic. More like "With his tail between his legs, Norm muttered something totally predictable to try to save face." After the session he "hit back"? Where was he during the session? Bound and gagged? Did he hit back strongly? Did he dish the pain To Galloway's British ass? Miserable!

A long time ago, we passed the point where everybody who likes the president was going to be able to like the news, as long as that news was actually true. At this time, it's very clear that whoever contradicts the party's opinion has to be immediately harangued by general accusations along the lines of Coleman's "credibility" bilge. The wound has to be cauterized, and this party's shtick is in the ICU. It's a good thing for them that major news organizations will snap up whatever crumbs McLellan and the pentagon gang throw out any given day.

Sooner or later, "the news" is going to show what a dishonest criminal the president is, and exactly how much damage the extreme right wing's agenda has done to this country. I'm always hoping that stories like this are going to signal the sea change. - Galloway: I won Senate showdown - May 18, 2005


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