
Back to school! Which, after this weekend, I am looking forward to very much. Working at the pharmacy doesn't exactly make me leap with glee.

Today I'll punch my plate with the (sexy) blued hole punch I made Friday, then drill it and then who knows what. I think most of the class has yet to make their punches (I got first crack at the Schaublin), so i'm going to disassemble my own watch, a 35-jewel Trias automatic wind. I took it down to the barrel last week and today that gear train is out of there. In the future, I'll adjust endshake and oil it, but I want to make sure I don't blow it so I'm taking it one step at a time. There might be some surprises in there I wasn't expecting. Um, because that's what "surprise" means.

There's a guy in my class who really loves Napolen Dynamite. He quotes it and even has a t-shirt with a helicopter that someone wears in the movie! Because I don't want to hog all the fun, here's an assortment of hilarity from what's apparently the funniest fucking thing ever in the history of the entire goddamn universe, the magic and indefatigable Napoleon Dynamite, all hail, fall on your faces and worship the mighty and delicious blah blah blah:
"My lips hurt real bad!" "Idiot!" "Gosh!" "Numchuck skills, computer hacking skills..." "Dang!" "Lucky!" "Ever take it off any sweet jumps?" "That's like a dollar an hour!"

Hoo-wee! Are your sides aching the way mine are?

Have a good day.

Today in the year 451, at the Battle of Chalons, Flavius Aetius beaat the pants off of Attila the Hun.

Happy birthday, Brian Wilson!


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