
high blood pressure

Tobacco is an acquired taste. At first it's horrible, then the mellow smoothness comes out. Like coffee, it's not that good until you get used to it. Scotch whisky is the same way.

I have another thing to add to this list.

Carmina Burana.

I don't recommend anyone listen to this for the first time in morning rush hour after one too many cups of coffee. It's intense, and can make you crash and die. Don't worry, I'm fine and didn't crash. But damn.

Hermann Mayer is down from Lititz watch technicum, to demonstrate balance assembly proficiencies, etc. Today will be a long school day.

Her loveliness is back from Wisconsin, which I'm happy about. She brought back a car full of bridal swag, which she spent most of the night arranging. If a smart man knows when to clear out and stand back, I guess that makes me smart. Welcome back!

Both my brothers are up to their belly buttons in study guides. The GMAT and the MCAT are breathing down their metaphorical necks, and I'm feeling very happy to be in a technical field, rather than memorizing obscure formulas. Good luck, dudes!


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