
religion: the greatest thing ever

You know, this blog gives me an outlet I need. I just love ripping on religion. It's so easy you'd think I'd get enough and knock it off, and take up building the perfect paper airplane.

Put simply, religion is stupid and worthless because it encourages people to be satisfied not understanding the world they live in. From Galileo to Darwin and beyond, churches hate anyone that threatens their (purely rhetorical) grasp on credibility. Which, of course, is based on violent opposition to scientifically verified, empirically sound facts. Churches are therefore doomed. It's only a matter of time. Even a rat has the sense to flee a sinking ship, but people cling to their beliefs, and that's fine. But it makes me sad, and avoiding this deep sadness is what brings out all the colors of my various angers and perplexions.

My flavor of reaction to this tragic state of affairs stems from my belief that my fellow men and women are capable of so much more, and all that potential, that time and money, is wasted on nonsense. Religion might be the worst thing in the world.

I and mine might get called atheists, but it's not an epithet, it's a fact; the most pious churchgoers are atheists, too. Christians deny the legitimacy of the hindu gods, and hindus return the favor. Islamists and Jews, same story. Ridiculous, since even if the gods they believe in are the same exact magical entity, still they have to fight like a dog with a broken tail. People like me, we just take the whole thing one god further. And it's nice here. Godless. Accountable. Realistic. Also, I get to make fun of not just most, but everybody's arcane and archaic religious beliefs! No exclusions!

One of my favorites is the cult of Utah. Mormons, with their polite, outgoing young men. Their jesus is better than your jesus.

Here's another news story about how some fundie crazies ruin the lives of young people! This is nothing new, but if your religion is different from theirs it might entertain you and give you the chance to feel very superior. It's about a man who kicks young people out of town, for not following the rules. Rules like having a girlfriend.

My favorite part:
"... the kids don't want their parents prosecuted; they want us to get the No. 1 bad guy — Warren Jeffs. He is chiefly responsible for kicking out these boys."

The 49-year-old Jeffs is the prophet, or leader, of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The FLDS, as it is known, controls Hildale and Colorado City."

Did you catch that? The church controls a couple of towns. And it's little snippets like this that I see, that remind me that my purpose at this blog is a noble one. Churches do, for all intents and purposes, control towns, and that's wrong.

For as long as religion has existed, it has effectively mapped the organization of power.

Here's the story, already:
Lost to the Only Life They Knew - Yahoo! News


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