
yeah, that's what that is

subway pervert caught by camera phone
I predict he'll be caught in real life.
When a person like this comes along, meaning wanders into my field of attention, I usually think, "How did this person develop the idea that freaking people out completely by masturbating in public is fun?" It goes without saying that the guy's got problems, that it's not acceptable behavior, even that the guy should probably do some time to teach him a lesson, even if it's just a month or so up at Riker's. Shit, I did ten days (not there) for skipping court. This is worse.

I think I'm okay in the long term with the explanation that this person's sexual identity was repressed at some point, because people who can express themselves normally don't get so horny they jerk off in public. It's the people who can't that are the problem. That problem comes from people encouraging the repression of normal sexual development, and not only that, but from the people they're trying to get to repress themselves acquiescing. Who's to blame? I think in the end it's the relationship between them that's at fault.

Whenever you have authority, it will be fought back against. To borrow an expression from national security, what is needed is not a system that won't fail (there are none) but a system that fails smartly. It would be great if it were possible, but unfortunately, moral authority claims that it's absolute, and the believer is forced into a highly unhealthy relationship with him/herself, as they have to continually police their thoughts to purge themselves of all wrongthinking. This is usually so unbearable that people grow out of it fairly young, so that's for the best. But some people can't separate the bullshit from the reality, and they have to struggle to live up to the expectations of a clean mind and conscience, which is totally unnatural, and to later suffer the excruciating, awful failures of people like Jerry "I spent your church offerings on hookers" Falwell.

I blame moral authority for this behavior. Unfortunately, those same absolutists use these kinds of people to make their case, as well, and there's no penetrating the rhetoric, because the situation has nuance, and people have no attention span. Related: I believe that christians and republicans have made a more careful study of the human mind and know how long it can pay attention to them than have their opponents.


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