
Intelligent design is on the ropes, as it should be, in Pennsylvania. The Panda's Thumb has details on the lawsuit.

For more tear-jerkin' hilarity on the subject, Intelligent Design?� A Special Report from Natural History Magazine

Things in general are not so swell for the non-dipshits. Government cheese for only the evangelical, born-again, left-behind faithful? Looks like it. In America, anything is possible as long as it's krazy kristians who want to git 'r done!

A federal court in New York has ruled that the Salvation Army may hire and fire employees according to their religious beliefs, even though it receives most of its money for social services from the government.

Surprise, the heritage foundation thinks this is just great. What heritage are they talking about anyway?

So is the problem the government funding of religious organizations? Me think is so. Churches should quit sucking at the titty of Bush's theocracy and go rattle their tin cups at the easily intimidated, just as they always have. Fuck, wasn't it Jesus himself whose idea it was to separate church and state? "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s."


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