
death and sex

In that order.

You know when the rolling stones hired the Hell's Angels as security guards at Altamont speedway? That's kind of the same thing as what happened in west Beirut in 1982, but substitute Ariel Sharon for the stones, Christian terrorists for hell's angels, and add a shitload of cold-blooded killing in the name of Jesus.

Israeli soldiers sealed off Sabra and Shatila (a couple of poor neighborhoods), except for the grass-roots holy warrior Phalangist militia troops (leaders of the Lebanese Maronite Christians, full-blown Christian terrorists), who came and went as they pleased, so they could chug a pepsi and reload. Death estimates vary depending on who you ask, but are most likely about 800. Even though afterwards a commission found that Sharon was VERY guilty and he was dismissed as Defense Minister, he somehow later became Israeli prime minister. This massacre represents what might be the most effective Christian conversion strategy yet devised. I'll pray to anybody you want if you have an AK-47 pointed at my face.

All in all, the most entertaining religious history lesson I've had since reading about the munster rebellion, which may be my all time favorite.


And for the sex, this blog, which is sadly no longer updated, is chock full of just dirty dirty sex. If you want to see it, click here.

On this day in 1954 in Sylacauga, Alabama, United States, an 8.5 pound sulfide meteorite crashed through a roof and hit Mrs. Elizabeth Hodges in her living room after bouncing off her radio, giving her a bad bruise, in the only unequivocally known case of a human being hit by a space rock.

It's Jonathan Swift's birthday. Celebrate by reading a modest proposal, the satire that defined the genre.

It's also Mark Twain's birthday.


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