
One of my favorite things I've ever heard anyone say was uttered by my brother, who casually and accidentally spills gems often. The exact words I don't recall, and aren't all that important to the point. It was about that, sooner or later, life kicks everybody's ass, just crushes them into nothing. Strong people recover, sometimes not all the way, but they always remember.

This happened to a patient at the hospital where I work. I don't how any names and don't want to.

Because of some medication the guy was taking, he developed priapsm. That's an endless erection. Well, all erections end six inches or so from the body, but, well you know what I mean, a temporally sustained erection. It wouldn't go down, no matter what. Eventually the man was in terrible pain, and so the doctors and he agreed that the only way to fix it was the permanent solution, which was to, and don't ask me the anatomical details, make it impossible for the erection to exist. From now on the swollen penis problem will not be bothering this man, ever. After the procedure, and I would imagine a little bit before it, the man was suicidally depressed. Life had crushed him.

Ironically, the drug responsible for this was trazodone, an antidepressant. Moral of the story to me is, don't take antidepressants if you can help it.


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