Habeas corpus prevents authorities from detaining a person indefinitely without charges; the guarantee of habeas corpus ensures that no one can imprison you without a trial.
Nothing more effectively undercuts the image that Bush paints of America as the land of freedom, liberty and democracy than the Republican Party's destruction of habeas corpus.
And a big thanks to you, too, democrats who drank the kool-aid, a vote for you is a vote for totalitarianism.
Kent Conrad, Joseph I. Lieberman, Mary L. Landrieu, and Ben Nelson, freedom is a word in the dictionary which you should all look up. Preferably a dictionary printed prior to the Bush Administration, when "freedom" began having increasingly creative and abstract, and predominantly misleading usages. I gave up on you a long time ago. Your choice of legislation in the ethical void you call a career doesn't surprise me; a corporate purse obviously doesn't allow in much light to read by.
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