from the reader
Ferrofluid art:作品集(Works)
A fill-in-the-blanks MENSA INTELLIGENCE TEST, so you can see if you're smart enough! It's at least a little interesting, anyway.
Political debates of tomorrow, by Ward Sutton
The world is running out of oil, as usual
NPR : Bush Administration Seeks Google Search Records
A depressing Kafka-esque flash game - Kafkamesto
Polled teens feel "Science 'not for normal people'" - BBC But that's England for you. I'm sure American teens have far more respect for science than that, right?
If you stick ginger in somebody's butthole it's apparently called figging. Here's a page about that.
Art, taken from sketchbooks of different people, one each day. Here's the page with all of them thumbnailed: TOM JUDD'S EVERYDAY
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