Now I may not be as 'emotionally or morally sophisticated' as Roger L Simon, but then I didn't spend the afternoon of 9/11 flushing away my beliefs and convictions in a piddle-stained panic. So please spare me the 'cojones' and 'cowardice' locker room speech from the man who is one car backfire away from turning into a fedora floating in a puddle of pee.":
In fact, my policy is to refer to the warbloggers in 2006 as "bedwetters." There need be no shame in being a bedwetter. It's a condition that can be treated...
Stripped of their illusions and ego defenses, they may then be ready to rejoin society and relearn the pleasure of what it's like to live unafraid.
And if that doesn't work they should just form their own support group and throw themselves a pee party.
James Wolcott: Rolling Out the Rubber Sheets
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