
interview with a Muslim

dfa: I'd like to welcome Abdul. Abdul, welcome.

Abdul: [says something in Arabic, probably "thanks for having me"]

dfa: I wonder if you'd like to comment on the flap over a Danish cartoon representing the prophet Muhammad with a bomb on his head.

Abdul: [smiles, says something else in Arabic]

dfa: What if somebody draws a picture of the prophet Muhammad engaging in autofellatio? Does that mean you have to kill them? Bear in mind, they're obviously only doing it to get a rise out of you.

Abdul: [still smiling, clearly not understanding a word I just said, says a few words casually, as if to say "Yes, it's great to be here." or "Thanks, my flight was just fine."]

dfa: That's very interesting. Well, Abdul, here's a cartoon of your guy Muhammad sucking his own dick while getting fucked in the ass by Jesus, who's holding an American flag in one hand and is strangling a woman in a burqa with the other.

Abdul: [smiling, glances at paper, tosses lightly on desk, says something in Arabic, probably something like "Do not show me gay porn. I am a real man." Smiles again, relaxes.]

dfa: No, see the writing? Look close. Right there, see? It's Muhammad. Mu-ham-mad. There. See? [Points at paper.]

Abdul: [very excited shouted something in Arabic, terminating in "Allah"]

[building explodes]


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