
My lovely wife and I began our day with a latte at vera's cafe, a coffeeshop that was at the exact right spot for us to stop at on our way to where we were going. It could have been a starbucks, and in the future, a starbucks it will be. We found out from the chilly reception that Vera's is a little place that wishes it was somewhere straight people can't even get to.

I decided the right thing to do would be to alert the snotty gay dudes that they can't click their ruby slippers and make all the straight people go away, so I wrote an email to the only address I could find, a guy whose address I had to scrape off of the google cache of the now defunct vera's cafe website. Here is that email, to some guy at an earthlink address, who will probably decide that I am insane:

dale's mails: dear men at vera's cafe


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