secret jones
There was once an instructional video about freestyle bicycle riding my dad bought me to go with the trick bike he also bought me. Which was really cool, but which I left outside in the rain. But in my defense, I didn't understand exactly how rust works. I never learned to do the bike tricks, but I got a huge kick out of the video. It's one of those things that has disappeared into the past never to be seen again and it's just as well. The memory of the video is doubtless superior to the real thing.The band that supplied the music for this video was "secret jones". I would co-opt this name years later when I saw a creepy black guy with a couple of white children downtown. For all I know, everything was on the up and up, but I am from Tennessee, and these old habits die hard, if they ever die at all. I dubbed this ragtag band of friends secret jones and the milk carton kids, and they passed around the corner and were gone forever. But that's the (dual) story of secret jones.
One of the band's songs, I think the one that ran during the intro, was "ride in the sky" and its lyrics mentioned something about the neighbor's daughter, which was funny then and even moreso later, when we figured out that doing tricks on your bicycle wasn't going to get as many girls as a beat up dodge station wagon.
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