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Nacho writes:http://www.reitstoen.com/dawkins.php
Smart guy, but I found that some of his work was a little derivative.
He came up with this: http://physics.syr.edu/courses/mirror/biomorph/ (scroll down the page to start the game)
Which is really cool and all, but is rather pedestrian, when compared with this:http://www.bitstorm.org/gameoflife/
You had a thing on it on your blog a while back, and I read it, but I didn't wrap my brain around how well it illustrates what emergent behavior looks like until I sat at work playing it for three hours. The guy who came up with it is a genius named John Conway. He has some great math lectures here: http://www.math.princeton.edu/facultypapers/Conway/ I realize you might not have time for this, but how often do you find a super duper genius giving lectures on MC Escher?
Then when you're through making your brain bigger play with this: http://redruth.greenbean.org/~ben/4CR/smb_super_synth.swf
Thanks! In the highly unlikely event I get a free moment this weekend I'll look at these.
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