
If our country was actually a democratic republic

there would be better questions at the presidential debates.

Who do really you think shot JFK?
What is the current strategy for when we run out of oil, and how should it be changed?
Please describe the funniest thing you've ever seen.
What, in your opinion, was the result of our country's worst foreign policy decision you can personally remember reading about as it took place?
Where does the government's surveillance of its citizens cross the threshold seperating it from one of those bad governments people declare indepence from?
Please give us your thoughts about foreign policy and health care. Take your time.

/In another world, one that didn't need to be fought against so hard, I wouldn't ever have thought to put this list together, but this is the one we have to deal with. I wish I could stick to retelling jokes:
So Charles Dickens walks into a bar, orders a martini.
Bartender says, "Olive, or twist?"


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