
be wary... of this nsfw post!

This post is going to have some boobs in it. Just warning you now. There's going to be a picture of them. At least one. Buckle your seat belt. There's not safe for workiness in this post.

Imagine there's a magic cirle that makes everything better, and all you have to do is stand in it. I'd want to find it and hang out there for a little while.

I was reading about breasts the other day. "The mammalian breast first evolved as an immunoprotective gland that produced bacteriocidal secretions to protect the skin and secondarily eggs and infants, and that lactation is a highly derived kind of inflammation response."

Which is pretty interesting. They come to this conclusion on the basis of three general lines of evidence:
1) Immunoprotective proteins are a significant component of breast milk.
2) The nutritional components of milk are synthesized by enzymes that are derived from immunoprotective proteins.
3) Many of the molecular regulators of lactation are shared with inflammation pathways.

If there was a magic circle that made everything better, and we break down what better is in terms everyone can agree on, I think improving health is mighty close to the top of the list. Breasts produce a magical elixir of health for newborn infants. I applaud breasts. Hey breasts, way to go!

I'm taking this information about breasts from this article. Breast beginnings
It's fairly simple to understand even for a guy like myself, and it has made me appreciate breasts even more than I already did, which was a lot.

What would have to be bad about a magic circle that made people healthier with basically no bad side effects, to cause a ruckus? Maybe if that circle was in the center of a volcanic crater. That would be a circumstance that would mitigate. Or if that circle occasionally exploded and killed whoever was in it, say five per cent of the time. I'd understand then if that circle were a source of disagreement and access to it had to be regulated.

What is it about boobs that threatens people so much so that images of them --even drawings-- are banned from the popular press? Half the people in the world are walking around with good old baby-helpers on their fronts, and yet images of them are not allowed in the popular press. Have they done something wrong? Are they likely to? Of course not. My only non-rhetorical question is, who or what is damaged by breasts being seen? I should add that I don't want to be sent links to books about subverting the patriarchy or by Betty Friedan or any squinky feminist screed. Ideology aside, why?

Here's something better to look at, if you ask the FCC, than the human breast:

the fattest man in the world!

I think I've belched enough foam at you by this point to give up the controversial photographs of breasts. Here comes the big to-do. I'm sorry if you didn't catch all the warnings I've liberally sprinkled all over this post.

Thesis: if this frightens people, there's a serious shortage of things to be frightened by:

This post is in fond memory of Berkely naked guy Andrew Martinez, who killed himself Thursday, who said "I don't want to facilitate the power structure with my conformity."
SAN JOSE / Champion of nudity found dead in jail cell / 'Naked Guy' won fame in Berkeley, challenged values


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