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"Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in."
- Leonard Cohen from his album "the future", which is much better than any of his other music

Old valise found at tag sale, opened, looked at, and blogged. Hope dashed. Time to get a life.
SWAPATORIUM: A Man of Few Words

Things I learned:
"You don't want to put your tomatoes in the fridge." - the produce guy
"When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout." - mom
"You can't help who you fall in love with." - some guy on Springer
Don't sharpen srewdrivers on the screw head polisher - Joe Juaire
"The worst thing you can ever do is kill your father." - dad
In the end, whiskey all comes down to smoothness. - uncle
That thing wiggling under the porch might be a tiger. - my dream last night
Lando wasn't that bad of a guy after all. - star wars episode 6
There's a great way to ventilate your beer can to make it work better. Stick the tip of a ballpoint pen in the middle of the rivet holding the tab on and tap it sort of hard. This also works if you want to shake it up and spray people with it. - my awesome wife
The mission was accomplished when George W. Bush said it was. - Rush Limbaugh

Today I go to court to try to show the judge that I got a ticket in some circumstances that were less than fair.

This reminds me of that Dale Carnegie book "How to win friends and influence people", which teaches sociopaths how not to seem like sociopaths:
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