

Today's Republican Party is a stool that rests on three legs of fear: fear of foreigners, fear of dark people and fear of sex. The issues that touch on these fears are usually called hot-button issues. But a better term is 'foam at the mouth' issues. Because they make Republicans foam at the mouth. As does any person or any idea that challenges that foaming. Foaming is now most visible around the "immigration" issue. The "immigration" issue is not about immigration...
foaming republicans

Do American troops really need core values training on moral and ethical standards on the battlefield to know it's wrong to shoot children?

The way Americans like their war

[Genesis 1:26 and other passages] in the Bible have established a mindset that is now so ingrained in the being the modern democratic capitalist, that it seems a function of heredity.
Christianity, Capitalism, Corporations, and the Myth of Dominion

Wars of Conquest and Capital
Bad Apples in a Bad Barrel

The Threats to Sustainable Democracy
The Four Fundamentalisms


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