
print: Psychology Today: A Nation of Wimps


At Monday, July 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thing is, that's just talking about rich kids.

Easy prey for people who've actually lived in reality.
I suppose that's why these issues manifest themselves when these pampered little monsters get to college.
They finally have to start dealing with reality.
Albeit in a watered down form.


It's almost pandering to the same people who cause this

to worry about it.

At Tuesday, August 01, 2006, Blogger dale said...

Good point.

I felt a sharp twinge of embarassment when I read the line about parents guiding play of their kids, along-side them on the hypoallergenic harmless playgrounds. I wanted to continue to live my life pretending I hadn't noticed that weird trend myself.

In my day we had concrete and steel and we liked it!


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